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Blue Mountains Calm Birth 27

Calmbirth is a 12 hour face to face program that prepares couples emotionally and psychologically for childbirth through:

Understanding the psychology of birth in how your thoughts, beliefs and perceptions impact upon how you journey through labour and birth.

The physiology of birth involving the four stages of labour, as well as how the woman’s body prepares itself for birth.

Equipping you with “ birthing tools” to work physically and mentally with your birth through meditation, visualisation, breathing techniques, acupressure and active birth positions.

The role of the partner: that is to be emotionally and physically supportive and connected with the mother throughout birth; as well as becoming an advocate for her.

Preparation for all birth journeys and empowered to be involved in all decision making with your caregivers.

Conscious parenting: including prenatal bonding, skin to skin contact, postnatal bonding and the transition into parenting.

Importance of self care.

Costs & Bookings

Cost:  $550 per couple

Classes run over a weekend from 9:30am – 5:00pm both days

If you’re experiencing financial difficulties contact me directly to organise a payment plan;

Mobile: 0432 555 055
Email: Use contact page form.

Blue Mountains Calm Birth 20